Sunday, 20 October 2013

Dino bear.......

Dino bear
Steve has been asked to write a new book about dinosaurs...... So me and Charlie have decided to find about them.
There are lots of different kinds and they all have funny names that can be a bit tricky to say. My favourite is Tyrannosaurus rex.
Steve is going to take us to dinosaur world so that we can all find out more about dinosaurs to help with the new book. Maybe when we go I will call myself H Rex and Charlie could be Dino Bear????
We're so excited, we'll both have to practise our big ROARs
I wonder what other cool things dinosaurs got up to.....

Why do doggies wag their tail?

Why do doggies wag their tails?
I nearly got knocked over the other day by Jessie wagging her tail.
I asked Mandy why Jessie wags her tail so much (I think she must have the waggiest tail in the world) Mandy says they wag their tails when they are happy....
I'm not so sure. I don't wag my tail when I'm happy and poor Charlie hasn't even got a tail!
But I hope it is true because that would make Jessie one of the happiest dogs in the world :)