Saturday 25 February 2012

The new book is at the printers!

Steve's latest book in the Harold and Charlie adventure series is at the printers. Me and Charlie are desperate to see how good it looks. We can wait. Steve says the first lot of books will be back on Wednesday. That's miles away, I'm not sure we can wait that long!
This book is all about me! Yes I know they are all about me, that's why they are so good!
The new book is called Harold Wins Gold.
I don't want to give too much away but I might just win a gold medal, which I am thrilled about. If Charlie is really good I might even let him wear it sometimes, it's good to share.
I'll let you know when the books arrive. Steve is taking orders now for the books, so get your order in soon as I think this one might be really popular, what with all the gold medals that people are going to win in the summer!
Off to get into training

Sunday 19 February 2012

Building up for lent

Well it's been a week, I spent ages opening lovely Valentine wishes from my fans - thanks to you all!
I'm sure some of the presents went missing, there weren't quite as many as I was expecting.
I suppose I shouldn't say too much as Charlie didn't get any cards. That's probably because he isn't as gorgeous as me!
Whoopee, it's pancake Tuesday this week. Me and Charlie love pancakes (they are our second favourite thing after cheese and pickle sandwiches of course). I wonder how many Steve will manage to stick to the ceiling this year?
Me and Charlie have come up with a great plan - it's a secret so sssshhhh!
We've been eating chocolate like mad all weekend just incase Mandy insists we stop eating it over Lent!
Charlie came up with the fab idea of each hiding a tube of smarties in our room.
What a great idea! Oh I can hear him whistling he must be hiding them now.
"Stop whistling Charlie, everyone will know you are being naughty!"
I best go and check where he has hidden his tube, for when I've eaten mine!

Monday 13 February 2012

Oooooh its Valentines day tomorrow

It's Valentines day tomorrow I wonder how many cards I'll get?
What do you think one or two .... hundred!
Last years cards seemed to go missing, so I'm expecting twice as many this year.
I won't be able to sleep tonight with excitement
I'd better go and get in a good position on the doormat ready for the postman!
Big kisses all round

Sunday 12 February 2012

Brrrrrrr! It's super brrrrrrrrry!

It's been very, very cold this week.
I'm not really sure what minus 15 really means, except me and Charlie needing lots and lots of hot chocolates. It never gets this cold in Australia.
There has been loads of snow here, so we've been out playing in it.
The children next door made a really good snow man. But they were really impressed when they saw our snow platypus! Everybody thought it was really cool. Charlie is busy trying to persuade Mandy to put it into the freezer so that it won't melt. I don't think he has much chance. Oh well, we'll just have to make another one when it snows again. The next one will be even more brilliant!
Off to have my photo taken with the snow platypus

Saturday 4 February 2012

So what are you giving up for lent?

Mandy has been telling me and Charlie that Lent will be starting in a couple of weeks and we should have a think about what we are going to give up.
I don't really like the sound of this at all!
She has been trying to persuade us to give sweeties, I like the sound of that even less!
At the end of Lent its Easter! Hurray! I like to think of Easter as chocolate Christmas. I hope that the Easter bunny is as good to us this year as she was last year. Oooooo! Lovely chocolate eggs! That's nearly enough to put me off my cheese and pickle sandwiches.
Well I've had a brilliant idea. We are going to give up sprouts for Lent! Yes that's right Brussels sprouts!
What do you think of that?
I may even start now.
I'm not sure how I am going to tell Mandy, I don't think she will be very happy, I'm guessing that isn't what she was thinking of. Oh well never mind...
Off for a cheese and pickle sandwich