Saturday 15 February 2014

Skeleton.... Ooooooooh

We've just been watching something called the skeleton, and it's not even Halloween - tee hee!
I don't know why Lizzie Yarnold didn't have a team GB suit with a skeleton on it??
Go Lizzie go!
It looks great, just like super fast sledging - cooooool!
I think I'd be really good at skeleton I could use my tail and flippers to help me steer.....
Charlie isn't very keen (he's a bit of a scaredy cat, sssssh)
Well I can't wait for snow so that I can have a go!
Wonder if Mandy and Steve could be persuaded to take us to Sochi (that's in Russia you know)
Laters off to find our sledge. Wonder if it will work down the stairs.........