Sunday, 14 December 2014

Ooooh ten more sleeps til christmas

Hello there
Are you all getting excited yet?
Me and Charlie helped Steve put the christmas tree up yesterday while Mandy made mince pies.
Mince pieces, or mice pies as Charlie calls them, are very confusing. We thought we would be having them with chips as a treat for tea, but we had them after tea with ice cream?? -yummy in my tummy.
Mandy said this morning that it was eleven more sleeps,until Christmas.
We checked this out on our advent calandars. Yep me and Charlie have got eleven chocolates each left.
Then we thought about it. No there aren't eleven more sleeps to Christmas there are only ten - NOBODY sleeps on Christmas eve: hee hee! We won't be able to sleep we'll be so excited......
Off to ask Mandy if we can have mince pies for breakfast....

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Firework night

Me and Charlie have always loved firework night. The big bangs and lovely bright colours, coool!
The rockets remind me of the time I went into space in Harold in Space - super exciting.
But this year we felt a little bit different about our firework night.
Before we due to go to the firework display, someone set off a firework in the street.
Jessie, our dog, ran towards the front door and started to bark.
Another one went off and she ran to the back door and started to bark.
We asked Mandy why she was doing that and she said that Jessie didn't understand the fireworks.
Mandy also explained that there are a lot of pets that are very frightened by fireworks.
Me and Charlie hadn't thought about that.....
Later on we went to a really cool firework display in a field.
Me and Charlie checked to make sure that we were right away from all the houses.
"Phew" said Charlie, "these lovely fireworks won't be frightening any pets, we are miles away".
After the firework display we went home and played in the garden with sparklers. Jessie sat inside watching, wagging her tail.
When we came in we had a nice big mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows on the top - yum!
All we needed then was a cheese and pickle sandwich (my favourite).....

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Cheeky monkey

Hey there
Did you here about the monkey this week that took a selfie?
This reminded me of the cheeky monkeys that stole my camera when me and Charlie went on Safari.
They stole my camera and then ran off and climbed some trees so that we couldn't catch them. It took us ages to get the camera back and when we did there were lots of photos of naughty monkeys. They had been taking photos of each other. What a cheek, with my new birthday camera!
Off to check where my camera is now.....

Tuesday, 5 August 2014


Mandy has bought me and Charlie a poppy each. Mandy says they will last forever - coooool!
They are to remind us of all the people that died during the First World War. There were lots and lots and lots of them. There is going to be a poppy for each person planted outside the Tower of London. I hope we can go and see them so that me and Charlie can pick out our own poppies!
Off to decide where to plant my poppy when I get it.....

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Jessie has had a spa day.....

Mandy said that Jessie, our doggie, needed to go and see a dog groomer to get her coat all spruced up for the warmer weather.
Steve said that was just like Mandy going for spa treatments at Auntie Nicci's salon
Unfortunately Auntie Nicci doesn't do spa days for dogs, only people. So we had to find another lovely lady to paint Jessie's nails (tee, hee!)
Well Jessie has just come back from her spa day (dog grooming) and she looks lovely. She's been washed, dried and brushed and nails have been cut - not polished though :)
Me and Charlie will have to be very careful when we take her for a walk in a minute that we don't get her too dirty - uh oh!

Thursday, 6 March 2014

World book day....

Did you know that on world book day you're allowed to go to school dressed as one of your favourite characters from the book you like the best?
Well me and Charlie have been to school today dressed as our favourite characters
Can you guess who we went in as?
Here's a clue:- We didn't need any costumes
Yes you've got it we went in as ourselves!!! Harold and Charlie from the Harold and Charlie adventure books.
Cool eh?


Saturday, 15 February 2014

Skeleton.... Ooooooooh

We've just been watching something called the skeleton, and it's not even Halloween - tee hee!
I don't know why Lizzie Yarnold didn't have a team GB suit with a skeleton on it??
Go Lizzie go!
It looks great, just like super fast sledging - cooooool!
I think I'd be really good at skeleton I could use my tail and flippers to help me steer.....
Charlie isn't very keen (he's a bit of a scaredy cat, sssssh)
Well I can't wait for snow so that I can have a go!
Wonder if Mandy and Steve could be persuaded to take us to Sochi (that's in Russia you know)
Laters off to find our sledge. Wonder if it will work down the stairs.........

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Winter olympics

My cousin Kieran, lives in Massachoozzies.
They have been loads of snow over there in America.
 He says he's getting pretty good at building snowmen and throwing snow balls.
We haven't had any snow, the Winter Olympics are just around the corner and me and Charlie haven't been practicing.... Oh no, disaster!
I am the best in a snow ball fight! My flippers mean I can make really big snow balls, fast. I can't imagine that anyone would be better than me. I am bound to win the gold medal.
Now I know you all know that Charlie is brilliant at making sand castles (especially in long jump sand pits, hee, hee. Remember when I tricked him into doing this in Harold Wins Gold?) well he is just as good a snowmen.
Well actually snow platypuses and snow bears, which are much better!
We haven't seen the snow ball fight and snowman building competition advertised on the telly yet so we're not sure exactly when it's on.
We'll have to get Steve to check on the interweb. It will be great to go back to the Olimpets stadium again. We haven't been there since last Summer.....
I wonder where they are going to get all the snow from?
Anyway I need to go and practise throwing something so I can become the first platypus to win a medal in the Summer and Winter Olympics....

New Years resolutions

On our car ride into school we heard that funny man, what's his name Charlie?? Oh yes that's right Chris Evans, talking about New Years Resolutions and about how most people have given them up already! 
Well I thought this would be a good time to make a resolution and then I will have beaten everyone else... Hee hee.....
When I asked Mandy for some ideas, she said that I should make a resolution to be good. 
She reminded me about how worried I was when me and Charlie went to see Santa, in case I wasn't on the Good List... Mandy said that it was very close but I must have just sneeked onto it. 
Where would the fun be in being good ALL year?
Then a brilliant idea hit me! 
My New Years Resolution is 
         'To not get caught being naughty!'
Brilliant eh? 
Mandy didn't think so but grown ups aren't always right you know.....
Off to pretend to be good.......