Me and Charlie have always loved firework night. The big bangs and lovely bright colours, coool!
The rockets remind me of the time I went into space in Harold in Space - super exciting.
But this year we felt a little bit different about our firework night.
Before we due to go to the firework display, someone set off a firework in the street.
Jessie, our dog, ran towards the front door and started to bark.
Another one went off and she ran to the back door and started to bark.
We asked Mandy why she was doing that and she said that Jessie didn't understand the fireworks.
Mandy also explained that there are a lot of pets that are very frightened by fireworks.
Me and Charlie hadn't thought about that.....
Later on we went to a really cool firework display in a field.
Me and Charlie checked to make sure that we were right away from all the houses.
"Phew" said Charlie, "these lovely fireworks won't be frightening any pets, we are miles away".
After the firework display we went home and played in the garden with sparklers. Jessie sat inside watching, wagging her tail.
When we came in we had a nice big mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows on the top - yum!
All we needed then was a cheese and pickle sandwich (my favourite).....