Thursday, 22 December 2011

The twelve days of Christmas

Me and Charlie have been working on our version of the twelve days of Christmas, let us know what you think!

On the twelve days of Christmas Charlie showed me:
12 extra ideas to add to my very ong Christmas list
11 Christmas cards to write to some of Santas elves
10 Santa reindeers : Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph and last but not least Stanley!
9 twinkly lights on the special little Christmas tree in our room
8 mince pies: the number Santa has already eaten (lets hope he doesn't over do it this year, otherwise he won't be able to fit down the chimneys on Christmas Eve, just like last year!
7 Christmas crackers all ready out on the table
6 humps: well there are 3 camels and they have 2 humps each, that makes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 humps
5 golden chocolate coins (yum 3 for me and 2 for Charlie)
4 cheeky monkeys: I think they are back to steal my camera. I need it to take pictures of all the presents I'm going to get. Santa if you are listening I've been sooooooo good!
3 wise men
2 bikes: well both me and Charlie are hoping
1 cheese and pickle sandwich (phew I'm hungry after all that)
See you later, keep being good, remember Santa will be watching
H & C

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Ooooooh it's nearly Christmas!

It's been really exciting this week.
Steve came home with the tree, it's huge. It's the biggest one ever!
When we got into the living room Steve had to chop a bit off the top otherwise the angel which sits on the top would have been in my and Charlie's room (we'd have liked that - but Mandy wasn't very keen about having a hole in the ceiling - booooo!).
When the lights were in position, Stanley switched them on, as usual.
We all agreed, it's the bestest tree ever!
I wonder what lovely presents Santa is going to be bringing this year. I've been soooooo good!
Not long to wait , now! Check out my website to keep an eye on exactly how long it is going to be before the big guy arrives.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

We saw Santa!!!!

We've been spending the weekend with two of our biggest fans, Ella and Isabelle - they're princesses actually but I don't like to name drop. Because we can't spend Christmas with E and I we had an early Christmas day with them on Saturday - I'm hoping we are going to fit a few more Christmas days in before the big day on the 25th!
It was great. We went to Santas grotto, there were elves and everything! Ella sat on Santas knee and he gave her a present. We then all had our photo taken with Santa, which was very exciting. I managed to give Santa my second Christmas list. I remembered that there were one or two things I missed off the list that I asked Mandy to post to Santa a few weeks ago.
I must go and check out my website to see exactly how long it is until Christmas day.
Off to find a slice of lovely Christmas cake from 'Celebrate with Kate's cakes'.
Later tater

Sunday, 27 November 2011

We're getting there!

We're getting closer and closer to my original stomping ground -yes you've guessed it Australia. The Harold and Charlie adventures are now being read to little New Zealanders as we speak (Steve says that they are called kiwis - but to me that's a fruit and I know it's difficult to believe, but I don't think a fruit would be very interested in what me and Charlie have been up to). I'm sure it's only a very short time before liitle ozzies are being excited about the adventures that me and Charlie have been having. I can't wait for my friends back home to see the fab drawings that have been done of me! I think I must be the most famous platypus there is!

Monday, 21 November 2011

Strange weather

This morning I heard Mandy say, "blimey is froggy out there!"
I rushed to the front door and went outside. I've got a friend, called Toady Toad, that is a frog (or a toad, not very sure about the difference), so I thought he had come to visit with some of his family.
Anyway there wasn't a single frog or toad to be seen, in fact I couldn't see anything at all except for the strange white stuff that was everywhere. It looked like clouds, but on the ground. When I shouted to Mandy that there weren't any frogs, she just laughed "foggy, not froggy!".
Strange weather, super heavy clouds, no frogs.


Monday, 7 November 2011

Harold goes to school

Well, today was a very special day indeed. Steve visited Westfield school in Haverhill to tell all the children about everybody's favourite platypus. In case you're still wondering who that is, it's me of course! Harold. Steve read one of my best adventures, 'Harold on Safari'. There are lots of animals in this book and everyone liked the cheeky monkey best. For those of you who haven't read this book yet, the monkey is very cheeky indeed and he even runs away with my camera!
The children asked lots and lots of interesting questions. I hope Steve answered them all and told everyone how great it is to live with a platypus. Some of the children had some excellent ideas for new adventure stories. I particularly like the ideas about a bonfire adventure and an adventure playing football (though I would of course have to play for Liverpool and not West Ham!). I think Steve also told the children about one of my new adventures, 'Harold the Pirate' and there were some really good ideas for the name of the dog in the story. I think we will use one of these names in the book!
While Steve was at school, Charlie and me were busy getting ready for our pirate adventure (did Steve tell anyone that Mandy has to walk the plank? If you see Mandy don't tell her because I don't think she will be very pleased!) Maybe next time I should go along to school with Steve. Maybe Charlie could come along as well?
I must go now and have a glass of milk and a cheese and pickle sandwich before bedtime. Speak to you all soon. Love Harold xx

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Bonfire night

I love bonfire night!
I had a great idea to strap Charlie to a rocket, so that he could last off into space. He didn't get the chance to go into space in my last adventure 'Harold in space' where I went onto the space shuttle (
So, we went outside into the garden. I had some string and the rocket. I tied Charlie to the rocket, and we were all ready to go. But oh no how do we make the rocket go? "Matches" Charlie shouted. "I don't think we are allowed matches", I said. "That's exactly right", said Mandy, "what are you two up to?"
"Untie Charlie straight away please", said Mandy. "You must be super careful with fireworks they can be very dangerous. They are not made for launching little bears into space!" Charlie thinks he'll never get into space. Maybe we'll have to go back to the Houston Space Centre when they start selling my book - Harold In space!
Off to right our names in the air with super dooper sparklers and a cheese and pickle sandwich before bed!

Monday, 31 October 2011

Big orange scary faces, Halloween

I don't know what is going today Mandy says its something called Halloween. There are lots and lots of big orange scarey faces everywhere. They are smiling and did I mention they are scarey too. Well when I say scarey, that's what Charlie says, he's turned to a big jelly -wobble wobble, shake, shake. I'm not scared at all, especially not when I'm hiding, I mean standing behind him.
Mandy says its trick or treat night. Well I'm always up to lots of tricks so maybe tonight is the night for treats, whoooppeeeee!
Got to go, on the hunt for treats

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Big red nose

Well... Aaaaaatchoooooo! As you might be able to aaaaaaaaaatchooooooo! tell I've got a cold. It's a huge cold. It's tricky to have a small cold when you've got a beak as big as mine. Aaaaaaaatchooooooo! Steve isn't going to be very happy the keyboard is a bit sticky now -oops, I'll have to blame Charlie.
I've been lying in bed nearly all of the weekend, which is no fun. Me and Charlie haven't had a single adventure for what feels like ages. Aaaaaaaaatchoooooo! Gosh that one nearly blew my head off.
I've just looked in the mirror my nose is redder than Stanley's nose in Harold Saves Christmas. Check it out on Aaaaaatchoooooo!
Off to bed to suck a hot lemon, and maybe a small cheese and pickle sandwich

Monday, 24 October 2011

The saddest day of the year

Me and Charlie have just had the saddest day of the year. Mandy is still trying to stop Charlie from crying (he's a big softy)
We've had to pack up the beach hut today - boooooo hoo!
It's the last real day of the summer. We love the summer - ice creams and swimming every day it's great.
We've dusted all the sand off everything - which took absolutely ages. It's amazing sand gets in places we didn't even know we had!
Well back home now. No more beach until next year.
I'll have to go and find something lovely for me and Charlie to do, to cheer Charlie up. I know we can do some colouring in, we love colouring in. Steve has got some super pictures of me and Charlie to colour in. Maybe he'll put them onto the interweb for us. (He's been doing that for some of my fans!)
Off to find the crayons!

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Two Charlies!

We've got a canoe! Whooppeeeeeeee, it's great! Especially as Steve does all the paddling.
I'm too busy standing on the front navigating! 'Captain on the bridge' everyone shouts.
We were out today paddling up and down the little creeks in the salt marsh.
I have the very important job of deciding which way to go (although I think Steve can't always hear me when I'm shouting GO LEFT, as sometimes he goes right). I've even tried waving my paw in the air (he mustn't be ably to paddle and watch or listen at the same time - poor Steve!)
It's very important not to go too shallow as Steve says the canoe might get stuck!
So I've got a system ........ If it's less than two Charlies deep we have to turn around.
Steve says a Charlie isn't a proper way of measuring but what I think is - we all know how tall Charlie is and he isn't very tall so, two Charlies fits the bill. We can go quite shallow and everyone can picture how deep it is. Well as long as Charlie doesn't start standing on his tippy toes to make himself look taller, like he did today. That just ruins the system - naughty Charlie!
I did start to laugh thinking of one hundred Charlies stood on top of each other - yes that's right it was sooooper doooooper deep - told you it was a good system!
Off for a cheese and pickle sandwich and a glass of milk all that paddling has made me very hungry!

Saturday, 24 September 2011

pirate festival

Well what a fab weekend me and Charlie have had at the Pirate Festival. There's been people walking the plank, sword fighting, Jolly Roger flags ...... We've even had a ride to Pirate Island with Captain Black Beard. Charlie was a bit scared but we managed to carry on to find the treasure - what a treat loads of chocolate coins - yummy! (we ate most of them on the way back, before Mandy said that eating them all would "spoil our tea". Off to hide the rest of the treasure to eat another day!
Harold x  

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

EBook or HBook?

It's all been going on since my last blog. Mandy says that we've got an eBook on iTunes. The thing I don't understand, is why I haven't got an hBook on hTunes. That would make a lot more sense, after all my name does begin with an h. I've no idea whose name begins with e or an i, but I'm not sure I like the idea of them being involved with my books so I'm going to call them hBooks from now on!
Anyway the  hBook is Harold and the Mermaid. Which means everyone can read about the adventure that me and Charlie had when we were on holiday on their iPads, or hPads! Steve says quick get onto amazon, (not sure why he thinks you need to go all the way to the rain forest), he must mean the one on the interweb, and iTunes (I still think it should be hTunes)to order it.
Happy surfing on the interweb, I'm off to go and practice balancing on Steve's hPad!

Monday, 8 August 2011

Stolen book?

"Harold what have you done, you should be really proud someone has bought your book", said Mandy.
Bought my book, I thought. Ah, so that's why Steve has got loads and loads of copies of the books.
"so our book is still at home?"
"of course it is", said Mandy, "now be nice and ask the girls whether they would like you both to put your paw prints on the book, maybe with a nice message".
now me and Charlie are famous we will be putting our paw prints on everything!
Mystery solved
Off to practise my paw print!

Later tater

Two liitle girls with my mermaid book!

Well, me and Charlie were just walking along the street, minding our own business. Well we were actually tucking into two of the biggest, loveliest ice creams you've ever seen, that Mandy had just bought for us - yum, slurp, big licks.....
When Charlie noticed two little girls sitting on a wall reading a book.
"hey", said Charlie," that looks very like our Harold and the mermaid book!"
So we went over to have a closer look. It wasn't like our book - it was our book!
I was in the middle if rolling my sleeves up to grab it back when one of the little girls looked up. "it's Harold and Charlie", she screamed excitedly (you know the way that girls sometimes do!).
She gave me a bit if a fright, I don't mind telling you, but I wanted my book back. So I rushed towards her and said " give me my book back, it's very naughty to take things that aren't yours!"
The two girls started to cry, very loudly the way girls sometimes do.

Mandy is shouting us fir tea got to go, will post another blog with the rest of the story later

Whooppeeee it's holidays

Me and Charlie are getting ready for the world sandcastle making competition! The other kids entering don't know what they are up against. Charlie is the bestest sandcastle builder ever - you will be able to read about him soon in Harold at the Olympets, I know that seems unusual but he's at wherever there us any sand to be seen - even a sandpit for the long jump!
We've got buckets of all different shapes and sizes, a spade each and a big packet of flags.....
Need to go Charlie is rushing off to the beach without me, must dash
Tatty byyyyyyyyeeeeeeee...............

Sunday, 31 July 2011

tides - what's going on there?

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside, oh I do like to beside the sea....
Me and Charlie have had a few days down at the beach, we've got a beach hut you know!
Well something happened that was confusing and a little bit annoying!
On Saturday morning I went down to the beach for a morning swim, whistling all the way with my towel round my neck, I was a happy as a platypus can be. I had a lovely swim in the bay. Said hello to my friend Sammy the seal. Great, what a way to start the day!
Well after my afternoon icecream I thought I might go for a swim before tea (cheese and pickle sandwiches of course, yum!) I went down to the same spot where I had left my towel in the morning but there was no sea!
Where had the sea gone!! Me and Charlie started to investigate.
Charlie said "Well one of the naughty crabs must have pulled the plug out, and all the water has drained away just like it does in the bath".
"No that's not right", said Steve, "it will be back later, the tide has just gone out"
I thought about this for a while. "Gone out, gone where? I know, it's the sea sloshing about isn't it? Like when me and Charlie are playing in the bath and we make the water slosh up to one end of the bath and then back to the other".
"So that's how the bathroom floor gets soaking wet, is it?" Asked Mandy
"So does that mean that it's sloshing up at the other side?"I wonder where the other side is?? I don't know where that is but it must be far away and they have got my lovely swimming water, which isn't very friendly.
Emergency over, we went back later and it was back again, phew! I'll have to find out where it goes so if I want a swim and the water is low where I am, I can dash over to where the water is high and go swimming there.
Got it sussed out now, you can't keep us platypusses down for long (still not sure whether it is playpusses or platypi)
See ya later alligators

Sunday, 17 July 2011

David Slater and the cheeky monkey ...

Steve was looking on the inter web today and saw a story about A man called David Slater from the guardian (not sure why the fact that he is a parent was relevant, or does guardian just mean old person? - not sure.
Any way this chap had an adventure in the forest which reminded me of when me and Charlie were on safari (see Harold on safari - The camera I got for my birthday got stolen by some very cheeky monkies who took pictures of each other before running away -with my camera! It took ages to find them and we did have a few adventures on the way.
Any way I'll have to show this ( to Mandy as she said that sort of thing could only happen to me because I was being so naughty -as usual.Well all I can say is there must be lots of cheeky monkies out there.

See u soon
Harold :P

Sunday, 10 July 2011

The last shuttle launch

As those of you that keep up with my adventures will know I've been on the space shuttle - Harold in Space (if you are not familiar you best get hold of the book pretty quickly before I spoil the whole story for you - I don't like it when Charlie tells me the ending of stories before I've had a chance to read to the end;just because he's a smarty pants and can read faster than me!)
Anyway me and Charlie heard on the telly last night that the shuttle has taken off for the last time. I guess that means I'll be the first and the last platypus in space! Charlie is more than a bit miffed as he has been listening to me telling everyone how great it was to be in the shuttle and Steve has kept saying that maybe if Charlie is very lucky there might be another chance. Oh well, I guess we will just have to find another exciting adventure that we can do together.
Off to think up something really cool that me and Charlie can do, to take his mind off the shuttle!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Getting Christmas twice!

Mandy has been in China. Me and Charlie wanted to call her with our new phone but Steve said "no - it will be the middle of the night there, she'll be in bed". Now we know Mandy likes to have a nap now and again but it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon! We asked Steve to explain because it just didn't seem right. How could it be the middle of the night at 4 o'clock?
Steve explained about the time changes in other countries - it still sounds weird and a bit complicated for me. I just started getting the hang of it when I realised that's how it works on Christmas eve, otherwise there wouldn't have been enough time for me and Charlie to deliver all of the presents the year when Santa ate too many lovely mince pies and we saved Christmas!
If me and Charlie went to Australia (that's where I'm from you know) on Christmas eve we could have Christmas there first, then we could dash back to Cambridge and have Christmas again - or more importantly presents all over again. How cool is that?
I'll have to run this by Mandy but I've got a good feeling in my beak!
Good night platy lovers

Monday, 30 May 2011

Steve has changed his mind!!!

For ages on the website Steve has been saying the next Harold adventure he was going to write about was my one eyed adventure as a pirate. Well he has now decided that we really need to write about our time at the Olimpets or is Olympics - not sure I like the sound of the Olimpets so we'll stick with that for now. I know it's going to be very exciting as the Olimpets are the biggest sporting event in the World - even bigger than me and Charlies' sports day - if you can imagine that!
We are expecting some really fast egg and spoon race times!
I think me and Charlie need to do some running and swimming to get fit - you never know when we may be needed....
Off to run rings around Charlie


I've been launched!

Hello there - I'm feeling especially excited today. The book of my latest adventure is available from today!
I don't want to spoil the story for you, but I have to say, it's my most adventurous adventure yet! (Bigger than Harold on Safari AND Harold and the Mermaid). It could even be bigger than when me and Charlie saved Christmas (Harold Saves Christmas) - but I wouldn't want to upset my great friend Santa! Well it's called Harold in Space. So I'm not giving anything away by saying its about me in space, and I got to drive the space shuttle - oops I got a bit excited than and told you the plot. Well you mustn't tell anyone - well except all your friends!
The pictures are great, a new budding illustrator named Jessica was kind enough to do this book for me!
I think you'll agree that I look great - the bestest astronaut ever (even if I do say so!)
I'm sure you'll enjoy reading all about it and find it as exciting as I did. You don't even need to leave home to get hold of a copy of the new story, you can order it from the website. I know you all know it, but just in case you're a first timer its Just drop me an e mail if your a platty lover outside the UK and we can sort out postage individually. Well obviously not me, but one of my support team would be thrilled to help you!
Got to go ....

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Charlie finally meets Paddington Bear !

Well, Machupicchu took us ages to get to - it's right up in the highest mountains i've ever seen, i think they belong to someone called Andy ( he must be big friends with Paddington). Charlie looked Machupicchu up on the interweb it was built by the Inkys. I wonder if they would publish my books? I have to ask.

It was great to catch up with Paddington, Charlie was especially excited. I am a bit worried Charlie is starting to look up to Paddington more than me, he actually said he preferred Paddington's favourite sandwich ( do you know what it is? Marmalade - yuck!) to my favourite ( i bet you know what that is, cheese and pickle - yum yum!) that will never do! All this talk of cheese and pickle sandwiches has started a rumbly in my tumbly - I'll have to go!

Harold :)  

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Harold meets Paddington bear

hi you platypus lovers - sorry it's been a while since my last blog but me and Charlie have been on a bear hunt (Mandy insists that it was more of a reunion than an actual hunt). Charlie has been desperate to catch up with his distant cousin - so we persuaded Mandy and Steve to take us to the place Charlie calls Darkest Peru.
Charlies cousins name is Paddinagton. You may have heard of him he's had books written about his adventures as well; so me and Paddington should have lots to chat about. Well, when we got to Peru it wasn't very dark at all! (Charlie doesn't really know what he is talking about).
We chatted with Paddingtons Aunt Lucy and she said that he had gone to a place called machupicchu. They do have funny place names here and I can't understand a word anyone is saying - Steve says it's Spanish - whatever that is (he doesn't seem to understand it either)
adios amigos!

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The summer is finally here!

Mandy said the clocks have changed. I don't really know what that means. But what I do know is that summer is on its way. I love the summer! I've got a beach hut right next to the most lovely beach. Me and Charlie went up there this weekend to dust down the cobwebs from the winter and to set up for the summer. We've got lots of cans of cream soda in and new flags for the sandcastles.
We made a few sandcastles just to get some practise in for the big sandcastle competition in the summer - I'm sure we are going to win this year with the bestest castle ever!
Sadly the icecream shop wasn't open. The lady said that it was too cold for icecream. Have you ever heard something so silly, too cold for icecream - no such thing! You can't go to the beach and not have icecream it's just not right. Hopefully they will be open when we go back next.
Now that Charlie can swim (the lessons I gave him after our adventure with the Mermaid and On Safari really paid off) we will be doing lots of swimming. Although I did put my flipper in the water this weekend, boy it was cold! I think we will have to wait until the heaters are switched on!
See you soon platypus lovers

Sunday, 6 March 2011

A new niece that wouldn't wake, not even for me!

When Steve said that we were going to see our new niece, I thought great a new fan!
We were in the car for what felt like ages. Me and Charlie played I spy till there wasn't anything left to spy!
Finally we got there I was expecting big whoops of excitement from our new niece as I arrived.
Nothing, almost as bad as Valentines Day. Isabelle just slept and slept.
When no-one was watching I tried tickling under her chin - nothing would wake her up.
Charlie said it reminded him of the story where the princess pricks her finger and falls asleep until she is kissed by a prince - so I tried a lovely big platypus kiss on her cheek! (I thought that would be much better than a prince).
Everyone was saying what a good baby Isabelle is - well not in my book! I hope her mum and dad tell her I'm expecting more on my next trip.
Ella on the other hand has great taste. She loves me, big kisses all round. So I still have a big fan there, I wonder why she didn't send me a Valentine card.....

See you platty lovers

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Postal strike?

It's been a trying week. I've been waiting since Monday for the sack loads of Valentine cards that I am sure are on the way to arrive!
I been sitting on the mat and rushing about when the postman arrives - but there has been nothing but bills (which I don't get involved with!).
I don't think our postman is very clued up as he didn't seem to realise that there was a problem with the post.
So there hasn't been one Valentine card, a big kiss on Facebook.... - nothing!
To make things worse I went to a wedding at the weekend and got confetti up my beak. If your beak is as big as mine you'd understand how dangerous this can be. What a big sneeze, I nearly blew my head off! Not to mention the fright it gave some of the wedding guests.

I'm off for a cheese and pickle sandwich and a glass of milk to cheer myself up....

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

My weekend with Emelia

What a weekend - dashing off to watch ballet classes, piano lessons, stage coach - it's been a blur. I'm going to need to have a quiet week this week to recover!
I don't think that I would make a very good ballerina my feet aren't the right shape or size and I don't really suit a tutu.
I decided to take the opportunity to try out my new story (Harold on Safari) on one of my friends.
Bedtime is a really great time for a good story, so we settled down to listen to Mandy reading the book.
I have to say I know the lion was scary at the time when we were in Africa, but boy is he scary in the book! Me and Emelia agreed that lions are scary especially when they are hungry, and it seems that lions always have rumbly tummies (just like Emelia after ballet)!

See ya later alligator or was it a crocodile that got Charlie - oops don't want to give the story away


Monday, 31 January 2011

A little bit about the platypus

I wanted to tell you a little bit about platypusses or is it platypi? not sure!
Some people think I look a bit weird - I like to think of myself as funky. If you look at a picture of a platypus you will see that they have taken the best bits of:

  • a duck - I've got a ducks bill
  • a beaver - I've got a beavers tail, very useful for super fast swimming. Poor Charlie hasn't got a tail maybe that's why he can't swim as fast as me
  • an otter - I've got an otter shaped body and fur - waterproof, which is great for keeping me warm while I am getting in and out of the water 
to create a gorgeous platypus!
I used to live in Australia but I emigrated some years ago. Although I have been back to visit once and hope to go back again very soon (I hope Steve and Mandy are reading this - could be our next adventure)!

If you want to learn a bit more about us lovely creatures I've put in a link to make it easy peasy lemon squeezy for you!

See ya later


Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Blimey this blogging lark is the hardest work I've done

It was due to be a quiet week - you know how it is, getting in touch with your inner platypus (code for lying in bed!). But then the new book arrived.
Harold on Safari
This is a great story, mainly because I'm in it, of when me and Charlie went on Safari.
I should have known it was going to be straight forward when Mandy emptied out all of the cheese and pickle sandwiches out of my suit case, that I'd spent ages carefully packing!
Then when we got there I learned a very valuable lesson - never give your camera to a monkey - no matter how good a photographer you think he might be.

I'm just finishing teaching Charlie how to swim. It's very important to be able to swim, as Charlie knows from our adventures with THE MERMAID and ON SAFARI. Gosh it's thirsty work all this helping my best friend out, off for a cream soda and a nibble of cheese and pickle sandwich. Maybe I'll try it toasted again to keep up my New Years Resolution.....

See ya later alligator!

Sunday, 16 January 2011

I'm on the interweb

Well, you could have knocked me over with a cheese and pickle sandwich! Steve's gone and written about one of my adventures and called it:
'Harold Saves Christmas'
I won't spoil the story for you as it's out there on the interweb!
So far Charlie has managed to find it in two places: and
What an exciting start to the year. Steve says there's another story almost ready, but I'll tell you about that another day.
Happy reading everybody.
I'm off for a celebratory cheese and pickle sandwich and a glass of milk....


Saturday, 8 January 2011

The 1st week back!

Well, this is the saddest week of my year!
The week the Christmas tree comes down - boooooooo!
Mandy and Steve didn't like my idea of leaving the tree up all year - so it's gone - sob!!

On a brighter note, me and Charlie have started the count down to next Christmas. Steve says it's 11 months away. So that's only a little bit more that my flippers, plus paws plus Charlies' paws (we're not really sure how long 11 months is). Best get the new Christmas list started just in case!!

All the snow has gone now. Even the snow bear me and Charlie made in the back garden. He didn't eat the cheese and pickle sandwich we left out for him, so I finished it off!

Sam and Owen (who are big fans of me and Charlie - well mainly me!) have done some smashing pictures of us , here they are!

Aren't they fab! Thanks ever so much Sam and Owen for sending this to us. 
Charlie looks like he's had too many pies over Christmas, hee, hee - just like Santa!

Must go, I've thought of a few things for my Christmas list......


Saturday, 1 January 2011

New Years Day

Happy New Year to all you platypus lovers!
Well it's the start of 2011 which is a funny time for me. I'm really looking forward to the exciting adventures that me and Charlie are bound to have this year, but I'm also really sad that Christmas is over for another year.
I think I might try and persuade Mandy to let us keep the tree up all year - what do you think, great idea or what?
My New Years Resolution is to try new things, so I'm off to try a toasted cheese and pickle sandwich ....

