Monday, 31 December 2012

It's the year of the platypus!

Steve said that in China they name each year after a different animal.
Next year, 2013, is the year of the snake!
Charlie is scared of snakes (and so am I a little bit, but ssssshh don't tell anyone!).
So we've decided (well mainly me, but it was my idea!) that this year will be the year of the Platypus! (In Cambridge anyway!)
How cooooool is that?
If Charlie is really good all year (what are the chances of that?) we might make next year the year of the Teddy Bear.
See you later all you Platty lovers

Sunday, 30 December 2012

No big sleep in!

Normally during the hollibobs Mandy lets me and Charlie stay in bed later in the mornings.
No alarm clocks, no dashing about in the mornings, plenty of playing games in our jim jams - lovely I thought........but I'd forgotten about Jessie.
Our dog Jessie needs to be taken for a walk in the morning before her breakfast.
Which means ......... yes you've guessed it!
Well we've just got back from walking Jessie. I'm covered in mud but I did get a juicy dog lick and lots of waggy tails.
Off for my second breakfast......

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Wiggo is knighted!

Steve said that Wiggo had been knighted.
How is he going to ride his bike wearing all that armour?  It's going to make it tricky!
Off to make some swords for me and Charlie so we can play knights.....

Monday, 24 December 2012

4.2 billion presents have been delivered already!!!

How much is a billion? 
I don't know but it sounds like a lot!
Over four billion presents have been delivered already - and Santa hasn't even gotten to my house yet!
You can track Santa's progress by pressing
Too excited for blogging - need to follow Santa!
Be good everyone!

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Santa's mobile phone number anyone?

Has anyone got Santa's mobile phone number? I really, really need it!
I've thought of some extra things for my Christmas list and Steve says there isn't time to send a new list to Santa before Christmas Eve - disaster!
So I've come up with a fab rescue plan, I can text him!
How cool is that?
So if you've got Santa's number please send it to as soon as you can.....

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Have I won sports personality of the year?

Me and Charlie have been allowed to stay up late to watch Sports Personality of the Year.
I secretly thought I might have won after my fab swimming in Harold wins Gold.
But when I didn't get invited to the show I began to doubt that I had won.
Glad I didn't tell anyone I thought I'd won now!
Who do you think is going to win?
I can't decide there are loads a really good people that could win it.
Wiggo, Mo, the Weir wolf, Ben Ainslie........
Off to bed....

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

My Talking book is finally here

Steve was taking me and Charlie to a birthday party yesterday.
We climbed into the car and Steve put a CD in the player
Normally he asks us what we'd like to listen to, but not today
Oh dear, we thought, it will be some boring stuff Steve wants to listen to
We couldn't have been more wrong.
We were chatting to each other when I heard mine and Charlie's names mentioned
We stopped talking straight away and listened
It was Harold Saves Christmas being read out loud by a proper actor!
What a really cool surprise.
It sounds really good, I feel all Christmassy now
Will have to listen to Harold on safari (the other story on the CD) tomorrow. We can't wait.
Off to read along to the CD of Harold saves Christmas (I can't get enough of that story!)

Monday, 10 December 2012

How many sleeps is it until Santa comes?

I keep asking everyone how many sleeps it is until Christmas?
I think it's: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve!
I wonder if I go and have a few naps during the day whether they would count as sleeps??
That would bring Christmas round much quicker!
I wonder if we all have to have lots of naps or whether just me doing it is enough for everyone......

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Our Christmas tree is up!

Me and Charlie have spend all day today decorating our Christmas tree.
I think it is the best one ever!
Stanley came to turn the lights on as usual before he had to fly back to Greenland to help Santa get ready for Christmas.
Those of you that have read Harold Saves Christmas will know all about Stanley and how we, well mainly me, saved Christmas.
Off to see if I can squeeze a few more things onto my Christmas list.......

Saturday, 8 December 2012

I can smell a Christmas tree

When I woke up this morning my beak was tingling.
There was a familiar smell filling the house. But what was it?
I thought and thought and thought. No I couldn't remember.
Charlie was still fast a sleep so I decided to go downstairs and investigate.......
As I went downstairs the smell got stronger and stronger. What was it?
Then I noticed a little green pin on the floor.
Oh look there was another and another........
I followed the little green pins into the front room and there it was.....
This years Christmas tree!
How exciting.
"Can I put the star at the top of the tree please Steve? Pleeeeeeeease!"
"You ask the same thing every year. You and Charlie can do it together, like you do every year, and I think Stanley is due back later to switch the Christmas tree lights on!"
Off to get the decorations out
"Charlie keep a look out for Stanley"

Friday, 7 December 2012

It's lucky Charlie can write his name!

On Charlie's first day at school he got a gold star for writing his name - yawn! He's still talking and talking and talking about it.
Well it's probably just as we'll he can write his name as he can make sure it's at the top of his list for Santa. It's very important that Santa knows where to deliver all of my, I mean Charlie's , lovely presents. 
I wonder if he can write Harold as well..........
Off to sharpen some pencils

Sunday, 2 December 2012


Well its the second of  December.
Me and Charlie are well into our advent calendars (maybe a tiny bit more into them than Mandy and Steve realise - don't tell them!)
It's so exciting, I LOVE Christmas (I may have mentioned that before!)
Me and Charlie are insisting that Mandy and Steve read Harold Saves Christmas every night! We know it off by heart already!
Off to see if I can sneak another chocolate from Charlie's advent calandar! I wonder if Christmas will come quicker the more windows open on our calendars?? Something to think about.
The main thing, Justin case Santa is listening, is that we have been really, really, really, really, really good.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Me and Charlie have been helping Jessie with her Christmas list....
Because she is a dog she can't write and we didn't want her to miss out!
I've been coming with all of the really cool ideas of things I, I mean Jessie, wants and Charlie has been writing it all down.
Since Charlie had his first day at school and got that gold star for writing he's turned into a real smarty pants!........ Although it has been pretty useful today.
So the list so far includes......
Lots and lots of cheese and pickle sandwiches
They are my favourite and I'm sure Jessie will like them too....
A note book for writing down all about our adventures
A new ball for playing in the garden with me and Charlie
and maybe a bone if she's really good
A bike
Maybe that one is more for me than Jessie, hee, hee!

Off to top up my own list....

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Pictures of me in Braintree library!

When was the last time you went to your lovely local library?
Me and Steve went to Braintree library yesterday
Charlie said we would have be very quiet all day - but that wasn't the case, phew!
Steve talked to lots of the children that came in. He even did some readings of my adventure books. You may have heard of them, the Harold and Charlie adventures.
The children also did some really cool colouring in, which will make a brilliant display on the wall in the library.
If you are anywhere near Braintree library pop in and see which picture you like the best. Press on the link below to check where the library is and when it's open
The ladies at the library organised a really, really cool treasure hunt. Fab pictures of me were put up all over the library and the children had to find them and work out the clues.
Everyone had a really great time.
It was amazing to see my books in the library, although they weren't there for very long as they were booked out by very excited children almost straight away
A billion out of ten for Braintree library! Hip, hip hurray!

Monday, 29 October 2012

Are you on the right time?

Well you know I told you that me and Charlie had two breakfasts yesterday because the clocks changed......
It turns out we were on the wrong time ALL day!
It took us ages to work it out.
It turns out that at bedtime on Saturday night Steve changed the clocks all ready for Sunday. Then when we got up on Sunday morning Mandy changed the clocks. So that added up to the clocks being turned back by two hours rather than just one!
If only me and Charlie had realised we could have had two breakfasts and two treat times! Wouldn't that be great, we will have to remember that trick for next year!
Off to see if there are any more clocks that need changing............

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Clocks changing

Steve said that the clocks were changing today.
'In to what?' I thought. What could the clocks possibly be changing in to?
It turns out the clocks weren't changing into anything at all. Steve explained that the clocks were going back an hour because the winter is coming.
That means we get an hour on Sunday twice! How cool is that...
Steve said we could choose.
Well me and Charlie decided to have between 8 and 9 o'clock twice, so we could have two lots of pancakes for breakfast!! Great idea eh?
The first round was with bananas and the second with syrup as we didn't have room for any more banana! What a great start to to the day
Off to sleep the pancakes off.....

Friday, 19 October 2012

Bonkers conkers!

Have you got your conkers at the ready? Me and Charlie have!
We heard on the radio that it is the World Conker Championships in Scotland soon (how cooool), but they are short of conkers - disaster!
Well me and Charlie have been collecting them so if you are wanting to take part in the World Championships let us know and we can pop some in the post for you.
Off to practise with my conkers......

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Book launch!

I said I would let you know when my book arrived, well IT'S HERE!!! Charlie's first day at school is available.
I'm so excited it looks really, really, really great.
I thought it might be quite good but it's better than I even dreamed. Seeing my name on the front in lovely big letters was very exciting and the really cool drawings of me and my friends are awesome!
Steve has already sold quite a few books this weekend, so there will be children reading my story as I write this........
I think I might need my own page on the website now?
Off to ask Steve if I can have my own area on

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Dog lick!

As you all know me and Charlie have a dog called Jessie that we have been training with cheese.
We think that someone has been training her secretly......
We think that someone has been training her to get you up in the morning by licking you on the cheek! Urghhhh my cheek is wet with dog lick!!!
Mind you it did wake me up pretty quickly.
Steve said that Jessie wasn't allowed in the bedrooms.
When me and Charlie went to bed I hid her under my quilt so that she could sleep on the bottom of my bed!
Charlie said that was naughty, but I really wanted to snuggle with Jessie - its like having a hot water bottle in the bed with you!
What I wasn't expecting was being covered in dog lick in the morning. She gets very excited in the morning just before her morning walk.
Well I'm off to wash the dog lick off my cheeks, and everywhere else......

Friday, 5 October 2012

Still waiting for My first book

Charlie here.
I just wanted to let you all know about the new book that Steve has written about my first day at school. I'm so excited!
I'm sure that some of you will have started school recently. But I bet you don't sit next to a polar bear called Snowflake - I do! She's my new school friend.
I think Fran B (she did the really cool drawings) is almost as excited as me to see the books. She's going to come over so we can look at the book together.
I will let you know when they have arrived. Until then please be good at school!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Talking book?

Steve announced today that we are going to have a talking book.
I didn't know what a talking book was, so Steve had to explain
An actor will be reading one of the Harold and Charlie adventure books out loud. It will be recorded so that little boys and girls can enjoy listening to the story as well as reading it. How exciting!
The actors name is David Gurney (he will be in a Scottish play in Reading called Macbeth soon, so he must be good!).
I've had to interview lots of actors to make sure that we get the very best. You can find out more about David by pressing on the link below....
Off to decide which of our exciting adventures David is going to read.....

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Can you write your name?

Can you write your own name?
Well I can!
I've  just had my first day at the Cambridge School for Bears.
It was very exciting, even if I was a bit scared at first.
Steve has written all about it in the first book where I am the star instead of Harold! It's called Charlie's first day at school.
I can't wait to see the first books that come back from the printer, with my name on the cover in big letters. The drawings are really cool. Fran, one of my friends, has done some great pictures of me.
Off to wait for the postman.....
I'll let you know when they arrive!

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Talk like a pirate!!!

Did you know that it was 'talk like a pirate day' this week?
I hope everyone joined in, talking like pirates.
I've got a really cool joke, are you ready?......

Why are pirates called pirates?
Because they arrrrrr!

Molly has been lots of really cool pirate drawings for my new book (that Steve has written) -Harold the pirate. I'm so excited! I will let you know when it is ready for you to buy.

Off to find my peg leg.......has anyone seen my parrot?......

Sunday, 16 September 2012

An unexpected adventure....

Me and Charlie have been doing very well with the training our dog (her name is Jessie).
She's got us feeding her lots of treats for doing good, well nearly good, things.
She licks everyone and has a very, very waggy tail. Me and Charlie were looking forward to having an adventure with her. Well that was until this morning when we had an unexpected adventure.....
We had just been out for a super walk before breakfast with Jessie and Mandy.
When we got back Mandy said that who ever was last in must make sure the gate was tightly closed. Well I thought she was talking to Charlie. But ..... Charlie thought she was talking to me!
Yes you've guessed it, I didn't shut the gate and neither did Charlie!!
We we just tucking into our boiled eggs when Mandy said, "where is Jessie?"
We all ran out into the garden and saw it!!! ...... The open gate! No Jessie!
Charlie started to cry. "It's no good crying, we have to find Jessie", said Steve. 
We searched and searched, shouting her name all the time. The man next door even came out to help. 
Phew! Steve spotted here and shouted her name. When her lead was safely on we all gave Jessie a big hug.
We all went back to the kitchen to eat boiled eggs tha that gone cold, but no-one minded that, we were all just glad we found Jessie safe and sound. 
Let's  hope we don't have another adventure like this!

Saturday, 15 September 2012

100 days to Christmas

I can't believe it, the Olimpets and the Paralimpets are both finished, so there are no more gold medals to cheer........ and to make a million times worse, I've just checked the Santa countdown on my website.
It's a whole hundred days to go! Boooooooo!
I've just had a thought that might cheer me up a bit. Do you remember that while we were waiting for the Olimpets Mandy put a Malteser out for me for each sleep until the start?
 I wonder if she would do the same thing again for Christmas.
That would be a nice lot of Maltesers, to eat now..... sssssshhhh!

Off to start my Christmas list, there's plenty of time to get a nice long one.....

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Murray mania again!

Well me and Charlie were getting a bit down after the end of the Olimpets and the Paralimpets and  then we realised that Andy Murray was doing really well in a tennis competition in America. Steve said it was a Grand Slam... I don't know what that means, do you?
Anyway we woke up this morning to Murray mania all over again. It was just like the Olimpets. Although Steve says he won't get another gold medal, just a big fat cheque!
What is a big fat cheque anyway?
I think a gold medal sounds much nicer.

Saturday, 8 September 2012


Do you know what an alpaca is? They are lovely animals with big brown eyes. In some places you can take them for a walk, just like a dog - which is very exciting, although they are a bit big for me and Charlie to handle on our own. A couple of weeks ago we went to the beach and there is a lovely man there with six alpacas which you can take out for a walk, ours was called Macchu, he was very cool - just like me! (I remembered when we were in darkest Peru seeing Paddington Bears' auntie that there was a special place called Macchu Picchu, he must have been named after that!) 
Well, Mandy said that there coats can be used to make wool, just like sheep. Me and Charlie thought she was joking but today we were at a farmers market and there was a stall selling alpaca socks! Mandy was right after all. The lady on the stall explained that they get the wool from the alpacas on their farm and use it to knit lovely warm things. Well you all know that I am from Australia and that I don't like the cold, so I think I might have to ask Mandy very nicely to buy me some lovely warm socks for the winter to stop my flippers getting cold. The lady said she would knit some specially. She might even do the same for you if you ask her super nicely:

See you later....

Friday, 7 September 2012


Me and Charlie have been very busy over the last few weeks training our new dog. Charlie isn't frightened any more. In fact I think he quite likes been licked from head to foot every day - just as well really!
We're busy trying to teach her to play with a ball. We keep passing it to each other but Jessie doesn't seem very interested. But our catching and throwing is much, much better. Steve says he is wondering who is training who. Is it us training Jessie or Jessie training us?
Guess what her favourite treat is? Yes, you've guessed it, CHEESE. Well what else would it be. Steve says we're not to give her cheese and pickle sandwiches as they're not good for her, she doesn't know what she's missing.  But that's fine by me all the more for me!

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Going viral??

Charlie was asking about whether we had gone viral yet?
I'm not really sure what that means, although I have had a bit of a tickly throat the last few days.
Charlie says  that the last video clip of Steve reading another chapter of my latest adventure ''Harold wins gold', at the Olympic stadium.
I've put a link in below to make it super easy for you to enjoy more of the story....

Charlie says that if everyone sends this blog to their friends then we will go viral. That sounds much better than a tickly throat to me.

Monday, 27 August 2012


"It's a monster", shouted Charlie.......
Oh no, maybe not. It looks a bit like Patch the dog from our adventure as pirates in Harold the Pirate (Molly is just doing the drawings and then it will be available to all you lovely people).
Well Charlie was right it was a dog, a ginger one with a lovely very, very waggy tail.
We are so excited, but no- one is excited as Jessie, her tail wags and wags and wags. Charlie is a bit worried that it might drop off if she carries on...
Jessie is three years old. Me and Charlie are going to train her not to jump up as she keeps knocking us over as she is so excited to see everyone. We've got treats and everything. Although I'm not sure that I would count a funny smelling biscuit as a treat!!
Go to go and get on with the training......

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Post Olympic blues

Me and Charlie have been feeling very sad that there are no Olimpets on the telly to,watch for what feels like ages. So to cheer us up Steve has downloaded another chapter of Harold wins Gold. He's been using something called U tube. I've already told him it should be called H tube but he doesn't seem to be taking any notice!
If you press your paw on the link below you will be able to see it....

Enjoy, we did!

Friday, 17 August 2012

Just woken up!

It seems like we've been sleeping for days and days....
After all the excitement of the Olimpets me and Charlie needed a little rest.
Well we're all rested now and ready for some more fun. Mandy says its the ParaOlimpets now so we are gearing up for that - all that flag waving and cheering for team GB is pretty exhausting.
We best go and get some swimming in before it starts. If it's half as good as the Olympics it will be really cool.
Off to check that the freezer has been restocked with ice-cream.....

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Raw marshmallows....

Well I tried to toast marshmallows on the Olympic flame but I couldn't get near enough, which was disappointing..... but the athletes were really cool!
Here I am! Oh yeah and Steve!

We screamed "go Mo, go Mo!" and boy did he go.... We were all very proud of him and all the other athletes we saw. There were girls throwing what Steve said was a hammer. Well it looked like a big ball on a piece of string to me! I'm sure we helped them throw further.
Steve also took the opportunity to read some more of my latest adventure Harold wins Gold
If you want to hear him reading one of the chapters click on the link below

Hope you have been enjoying the Olympics and Harold wins Gold as much as we have.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Back off to the Olympics!

Me and Charlie are off to the Olympics again tomorrow - we were very lucky getting two lots of tickets.
Steve says that we are going to be sitting near the Olympic flame - so, we will be packing marshmallows! I'm sure we will be able to toast them on the flame yummy!
Keep an eye out for us, remember right by the flame!

Monday, 6 August 2012

Live from the Olympic stadium... Harold wins Gold

We've been to the Olympics today. I've got a very sore throat now from all of the shouting - I am sure we helped some of Team GB get through to the next rounds!!
While we there it was the perfect place for Steve to read some of my new adventure Harold wins Gold...
Click on the link to have a look at the video for Chapter 1.....

Off to see how many more golds Team GB can win today.....

Sunday, 5 August 2012

We are the champions, we.....

I don't think we can get any more excited! Apart from the fact that we are actually going to the Olimpets tomorrow! Hurrrrrrray!
We are going to be eating ice-creams in that lovely big stadium, yummy! 
Mandy has had to buy another flag so that me and Charlie can have one each. I think I might sleep in mine tonight. 
Keep an eye out on the telly for your favourite platypus and teddy bear. 
Will report back... 
H x  

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Get on yer bike!

Wiggo! Our new hero!
Me and Charlie love riding our bikes, so we were all ready with our snacks in front of the telly ready to watch Mr Wiggo Yellow Jumper on his bike.
He was so fast, it was great.
He has these funny side board things on the side of his face. We weren't sure at first but now we think they must be go faster stripes. If that is the case me and Charlie need some - do you know where you can buy them?
What a great day two gold medals for team GB. Great guys, but don't stop there we want lots more!

Go on, follow my lead!

The swimming has been great today. Although no-one has followed my example yet! Here's a picture of me powering towards my gold medal!

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

What team GB needs

Well it's the end of day three of the Olympics and we still haven't won a gold medal! Booooo!
We've been very close but me and Charlie are a tiny bit disappointed that we haven't heard the National Anthem yet.
What team GB need is to get a gold medal in the swimming. By a happy coinkydink that is the subject of my new book - Harold wins Gold.
To get a sneak preview or even better to order the whole thing follow the link

 It must be fate! I can feel it in my beak.....
Good luck for tomorrow guys I've got my flippers crossed for you both

Sunday, 29 July 2012

The 1st medal for team GB

Me and Charlie have been glued to the telly for two days watching the Olympics. The opening ceremony was super exciting. We were so tired the next day we missed some of the early events as we slept in... Oooooops! I've got a bit of sore throat now from cheering the bike riders on. Me and Charlie have been on our bikes ever since. I think we're almost as fast as our new hero Lizzie.... It was really nice of Lizzie to ride past the Queens house, she must have had a really good view of the race. Must go and get some sleep so that we are ready for another big day at the really cool Olympics in London. I'm going to be watching the swimming tomorrow. I wonder if they can swim as fast as me? Platypuses are very, very good swimmers you know..... H X Ps don't forget for a sneak preview of Harold wins gold, click on the link below

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Last sleep before the Olympics!

It's the last sleep before the Olimpets! Well when I say sleep, I should say dreaming of winning gold medals. Mandy said that if me and Charlie have a sleep in the afternoon tomorrow then we can stay up to watch the Opening Ceremony!! Whoopee! I wonder if we could eat the rest of those packets of Maltesers and jelly babies..... I'd better go to bed now so I'm not too tired to enjoy it all tomorrow. I don't want to miss a thing. Laters H X

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

2 days to go!

You know I told you about the Maltesers trick for working out the number of days left until a big occasion? Well, it hasn't worked! I got a bit over excited and I've eaten all my Maltesers and most of Charlie's jelly babies - and the olympics is still 2 days away! I think I am going to have to go and buy a new pack of Maltesers and jelly babies with my pocket money before Mandy and Charlie notice! Best get off to the sweetie shop Laters H X

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

3 days to go!

I've only got 3 Maltesers left and Charlie has got 4 jelly babies. Charlie hasn't eaten today's jelly baby yet - I wonder if he'll notice if I eat one? Munch, munch. Are you all as excited as we are?? Can't wait for the opening ceremony.... H X

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Harold's Olympic countdown

We're all very excited at number 6, the Olimpets is getting really, really close. Me and Charlie can't sleep. We're all ready to go with our t-shirts, flags, tickets........ Mandy said that the games will start at the end of the week. That seems like a very long time away to me. To try and help me and Charlie keep track of how many days are left Mandy has borrowed an idea from Auntie L. In Auntie L's house when there is a big event to help everyone keep count of how many days are left she puts a row of M&Ms out and and you are allowed to eat one of the M&Ms each day that goes by. What a great idea! My favourite sweeties at the moment are Maltesers (Molly gave me some and they are yummy) and Charlie's favourite sweeties are Jelly Babies. So we've got 2 rows of sweeties. There is one row of for me and one row of jelly babies for Charlie - yummy. So we can eat one today and one tomorrow and so on until it all starts on Friday, yippee! See you there..... H X

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Back to Australia?

I need some help from you to make a very important decision. I don't know how much more of this rain I can take. I know platypuses love the water but it's also nice to feel the sun on my fur. It wasn't like this when I lived in Australia. There was loads and loads of blue sky and a great big sun. I'm sure that there was some sun and blue sky here last summer - wasn't there? I think I may need to go back to Queensland! What do you think?? I know Mandy and Steve would be lost without me, and I think Charlie might cry. But I neeeeeeeeeeeed some lovely sun!!!!!! Let me know what you think by commenting on this blog. Thanks in advance for the help with this very important decision. H X P.S. Get your own little ray of sunshine by reading the Harold and Charlie adventure stories

Sunday, 8 July 2012

No Charlies deep - oh no!

Those of you that have been following my blog for a while will know all about 'the Charlie' as a way of measuring depth. Also those of you that have been on the website,, and have seen Charlie will know that he isn't very tall. So one Charlie isn't very deep. Well, this morning we decided to go out in our canoe (to take our minds off the tennis). We were happily going down the stream when we heard an awful scraping noise. Oh no Charlie shouted the water is no Charlie's deep! We've run aground. He was right the scraping noise was the bottom of the canoe. At first we didn't know what to do and then I decided that we should both get out of the canoe and lift it further along the stream to where the water was deeper, which worked brilliantly - well done me! We had a lovely time for the rest of the morning, but I did have to tell naughty Charlie to keep a very close eye on the number of Charlie's the water was, to make sure we didn't run aground again. Don't forget for those of you that haven't read about ouradventures you can order them from Laters H X

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Is everybody ready for Murray mania?

Charlie has just finished asking Mandy, very nicely, if she could get strawberries and ice cream - and lots of it! We are getting ready for the Wimbleton final tomorrow. I'm not sure we'll be able to sleep tonight, it's so exciting. It said on the radio that Bunny was the last British man to get to a Wimbleton final. What a strange name, do you think he was a rabbit? I didn't know that rabbit were great tennis players, oh well you live and learn. We've got our sweat bands, balls and of course flags, at the ready. I think we might need some new flags very soon they have been waved alot this year already and we haven't even got to the Olympics yet! We can't get to Murray Mount at Wimbledon, so we'll be on Scottish Settee in Cambridge. Oh, I've just thought Charlie should have asked Mandy to get some Murray Mints for us to suck on, during the game. Go Andy go!!! Off to get Murray Mints onto the shopping list..... H X

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Pea shooting!

Did you know it was the pea shooting world championships in Cambridge yesterday? Me and Charlie haven't done much pea shooting, but boy we'd like to now! We've been practising and are getting quite good (although I'm not sure that Steve and Mandy would agree). Off to see whether pea shooting is an Olympic sport...... Laters H X

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Hurray Olympic tickets have arrived!

Everyone was really excited at number 6 when we heard a big thud by the front door, as the postman delivered a big brown envelope. Me and Charlie dashed to get it. "It will be the Olympic tickets!" We carefully opened the envelope and looked at the 4 shiny tickets. It was so exciting, we can't wait to get there. We've got our team GB t-shirts and our flags ready to go. Don't tell anyone, but I'm going to wear the gold medal I won at World Sports Day (you can read all about it in Harold wins Gold). Mandy has put the tickets in a super safe place, so they don't get lost before the day. I want to see Mo Farah running, Charlie is mad keen on the long jump(although I think that it is more to do with getting close to the sand pit (those of you that have read Harold wins Gold will know all about this!). Just off to find out how many sleeps it is until the big day...... Laters H X

Sunday, 24 June 2012

More interweb magic

Mandy has been looking at the number of my fans that have been looking at my blog. It's terrific there are people all over the world that are following the daily adventures that me and Charlie have. There are even people in Russia keeping up to date with us. I may need to persuade Mandy and Steve to take us there on hollibobs, so that we can meet some of our fans. Me and Charlie had a look at Russia on the interweb. The writing looks funny we couldn't read any of the words. Hope the children in Russia don't have the same problems reading our adventures, as at the moment they are all written in English (maybe we need to get Steve on a course!). Mandy has put in an easy peasy lemon squeezy link for all my fans so that you never miss an update of my blog. Just look next to the blog for 'Join this site'. There is also a lovely link to my gorgeous website, where you can see some lovely pictures of me and Charlie ( Laters H X

Saturday, 23 June 2012

I'm a trend setter!

I'm setting trends all over the place at the moment. Jubilee birthday celebrations........ It seems that even jubilee birthday celebrations have to come to an end, which is very sad. But I had a really cool time. I had such a great time that Steve has decided to copy me and he's having a jubilee birthday celebration like me. Garden Olympics........ Also my fans on Facebook have been telling me that they are going to copy me and Charlie and have their own garden Olympics. They got the idea when they were reading my new adventure Harold wins gold. Me and Charlie went to world sports day and.... You'll have to get the books to find out great stuff happened. This blog.... Thank you very much all you fans for reading my blog. It's great that you are all so interested in what me and Charlie are up to between our big adventures that Steve writes about. See you later H X

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Birthday jubulations!

I'm really pleased I decided to have a jubilee rather than just a birthday, otherwise my birthday celebrations would almost be over. We've had a great day today at Nowton Park fair. There was a dog show with lots of lovely dogs. Mandy and Steve have been thinking about getting us a dog so we've been trying to decide what sort of dog we'd like. The problem is that we can't agree. I'd like a Big shaggy dog, but Charlie would like a little sausage dog. I wonder what you get if you cross a shaggy dog with a sausage dog?...... Off to have some birthday cake... Laters H X

Monday, 11 June 2012

England playing football

Platypusses aren't naturally good at football, but I do like watching it. Although I'm not sure I understand all of the rules or things the man on the telly says. "Gerrard is in space". No he wasn't I could see him. I know what space looks like after my adventure on the space shuttle when I was accidentally onboard when it was launched into space! It was very exciting. Gerrard didn't look very excited at all, he was just standing there on his own. I was all excited when England scored, and a bit sad when France scored. One goal each. Steve said this was a draw, but I didn't see any of them with pencils, no drawings at all in fact! The next England game is against Sweden. I'm not sure where that is so I'm off to have a look at the map on the study wall........ H X Ps don't forget you can check out all my adventures at

Monday, 4 June 2012

Even more excitement at the Jubilee celebrations!

There has been so much excitement over the Jubilee weekend I haven't had time to tell you all about brave, brave Charlie. There was a teddy bear parachute jump from our local church bell tower yesterday. I didn't think that Charlie would be brave enough to take part and that he would hide until it was all over. Everyone started to collect at the bottom of the tower to watch all of the brave teddies from the village. Just then Mandy said, "is that Charlie?". It was! "He's using a Marks and Spencer carrier bag as a parachute and he has got his smart orange swimming arm bands on (those of you that have read Harold and the mermaid will know how much Charlie loves his arm bands)!" Mandy covered her eyes and said she couldn't watch. "Jump, Charlie, jump, don't be scared", I shouted. Charlie did exactly that, he waved as he gently floated to the ground. The Marks and Spencer carrier bag did it's job very well! Much to everyone's surprise. Charlie was so brave I couldn't believe it, we were all so proud of him. He joined all of the other brave teddies to collect their medals. Charlie proudly showed everyone his medal. It wasn't as big and shiny as the gold medal I won at World Sports Day (Harold wins gold, you may have heard of it!), but it was still very nice. Well I need to go now as we are going to see the Jubilee beacon being lit! We've both had a nap this afternoon so that we won't be too tired being up so late. I'm too excited to be tired. I wonder whether they will let me light the beacon........ Laters H X

Saturday, 2 June 2012

No more birthdays, it's jubilee all the way!

What are your plans for the Jubilee? Me and Charlie are going to see the flotilla which will be great, we're very excited (we love boats as you will know, and we are messing about in boats in our brand new adventure that will be available soon - Harold and the pirates!). As you all know it is my birthday in June. I know it's short notice but I have decided to make a change. The Queen seems to be having four days worth of parties. That's three days more partying than I normally get for a birthday. So it's jubilees all round! Go to go, off to find the flags! Have a great jubilee H X

Friday, 25 May 2012

"Don't pull the plug out Harold!"!

"Don't pull the plug out Harold", I shouted. But it was too late! Me and Harold were playing down at the beach, when we found what looked like a giant plug. (You know like the ones that you get in the bath). As usual Harold was desperate to fiddle with it, but it looked a bit dangerous to me. The next thing I knew he had pulled it out! Just then the sea water started to disappear! But Harold hadn't noticed, his tummy had started to rumble and he had wandered off to find a cheese and pickle sandwich. Oh no! I tried to put the plug back but it didn't make any difference, the water was still disappearing. I sat down next the the plug and cried. No more days by the sea licking our ice lollies, while wiggling our toes/flippers in the water, booooooooo! Just then Mandy came to find me for lunch. I explained the whole sorry tale to her. She said I was a silly little bear, as she gave me a big hug, it had all been a huge coinkydink(coincidence for those that can say it). The tide just happened to be starting to go out at the same time as Harold pulled the plug, phew! So the water will be back again later. I best check - hopefully while I'm eating and ice lolly and wiggling my toes in the water! Best go before Harold realises I'm writing on his blog! Charlie Xx

Monday, 21 May 2012

Lynne Chapman workshop

Me and Charlie had a fab time at the Linton book festival last weekend. It was great we did lots of running around with all our new friends and Steve was doing lots of story telling - he was reading my lovely books, of course! You can find them at Anyway we went along to a workshop (we weren't very keen to start with, workshop sounds a bit like hard work and we don't like that! But it was really good fun!). The workshop or funshop (as we called it) was with a smashing lady called Lynne Chapman. She is brilliant at drawing, almost as good as Molly and Jess(well we are biased as Molly and Jess were kind enough to do the gorgeous drawings of us on our adventures). Me and Charlie are top drawers now, although Charlie doesn't seem to be able to get my beak quite right! Off to do some drawings, Lynne says practise makes perfect, as we think she has done alot of practise! Laters H X

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Book festival

Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but Steve has been writing some stories about the cool adventures that me and Charlie have had. There are 5 stories now: Harold and the mermaid Harold saves Christmas Harold on safari Harold in space and Harold wins gold Well, the people organising the book festival thought that stories we're so good that they asked Steve to go and read the stories to the children at the festival. How exciting for the children to meet me and the person that wrote the lovely stories about me, all at the same time! It was great, we all had lots of fun. Mandy brought cheese and pickle sandwiches for lunch (our favourite, yum). She said I might have gotten a bit over-excited, all that running around with all my fans was tiring. Another great day. I' m off to bed. Laters H X

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Chris Evans and Moira

Mandy was listening to the radio and Chris Evans came on. I like listening to him, he plays nice tunes in the morning. He was talking about his friend Moira doing the readings for a talking book. Now there's is a good idea, how great would it be to have the Harold and Charlie books read out so you could choose whether to listen to our super adventures or read the books. Moira if you're reading this, I'm waiting for your call! Ooooooh the phones ringing, wonder if it's Moira, got to go! H X

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Good weather for ducks?

Well it hardly seems to have stopped raining recently. I was out today and overheard someone say that it was good weather for ducks while nodding in my direction. I think they must have thought I was a duck. Well I might be called a duck billed platypus and I might have a beak like a duck, but I'm a platypus and platypuses are much cooler than ducks don't you think? I am loving the wet weather, jumping in the small puddles and swimming in the big puddles. Poor Charlie has to wear wellies when he goes out in the rain, though they are very smart wellies! He also has to carry an umbrella to keep his fur dry. I'm sure Charlie wishes he was a platypus like me. I'm sure everyone would like to be a platypus! What do you think? You can always visit me on the interweb to let me know ( Off for a swim. Laters H xx

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Ooooooooh look it's the Olympic torch!

Cor did you see the Olympic torch? It has just started its journey around the UK today - this sounds very exciting!
Mandy says that this is the torch that will be used to light the Olympic flame in the Summer.

This reminds me of when me and a dragon lit the flame to start World Sports Day in my latest adventure Harold Wins Gold - check it out by following this link thingy

I bet they don't have a real dragon at the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics like I did, but I'm sure it was still be really cool.
Just off to see if anyone needs a hand carrying the torch.....

Sunday, 1 April 2012


It's been so exciting this weekend! As I told you in my last blog me and Charlie were going to the beach this weekend.
We managed to get our beach hut all set up with our favourite drinks and sweets and we were just settling down to a nice cheese and pickle sandwich, when Charlie noticed something moving in the water.
Last year Charlie got binoculars for his birthday and he's always looking through them! He's always imagining that he has seen all sorts of exciting things like the loch ness monster..... So as usual I ignored him and went off for my first swim of the year.
I was just doing a bit of back stroke when I felt something swim past me. Suddenly there was something that looked a bit like a dog right next to me. I have to tell you, it gave me a bit of a fright. So Charlie had seen something in the water.
"Hello, there" said the doggy thing, "what on earth are you, I've never seen anything like you before!"
"I'm a platypus of course! My name is Harold. Are you a dog? You're a very good swimmer. Almost as good as me!"
"I'm a seal, my name is Hector, and I bet I'm a better swimmer than you!".
We raced up and down the channel. I won every time, well nearly every time, well once!
Gosh I'm ready for a big ice cream now, followed by a cheese and pickle sandwich, of course!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Whooopppeeeeeeee, we do like to be beside the seaside, oh we do.....

We're going to the seaside tomorrow.
We love the beach.
Charlie has got his bucket and spade ready to build the first sandcastle of the year, and I've got my swimming trucks all ready to go. Oooooooh I can feel the sand between my flippers now.
I wonder if Mandy will buy us an ice cream each? I hope so.
Oh we do like to be beside the seaside, oh we......

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Perth do a platypus mint!

Me and Steve have been surfing, yes on the interweb! I've been trying to find out what is going on back in Oz with all of my lovely platypus friends.
How lovely, there's going to be a new coin with a platypus on it! It's going to be minted in Perth.

I wonder whether it will be mint with dark chocolate or milk? What do you think?? I love both! I bet there isn't a coin with a bear on it! I'll have to dash and show Charlie, he'll be dead jealous.
To see the lovely new coin go to the link below:

Have fun

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Number one fans party

Me and Charlie have been really busy this weekend. It was my number one fans 4th birthday party. Lots of little friends came, we were all running around playing hide and seek, it was great fun. Then the most exciting thing happened, MINI MOUSE arrived, yes MINI MOUSE! Me and Charlie are big fans of Mini. Then the best thing, apart from Mini and the birthday cake, was the party bags, whoopppeeeeeeee! What a surprise, the boys had Harold on Safari in their bags and the girls had Harold and the Mermaid. Everyone was really excited. Me and Charlie had to put our paw prints onto all of them, phew there was so many that it was really tiring.
Big cheers to all our new fans!
See you soon

Making cakes with Auntie C

Me and Charlie have been helping to make cakes with Auntie C. Well when I say helping it was more tasting! Spoon licking is a very important job. I like to think that we helped make a lovely cake for our number one fan. A fab 4th birthday cake with pink fairies and everything. I do think it would have looked better with a platypus and even a small bear, but maybe next time. Auntie C can do all sorts of fab cakes; platypuses, fairies, the night garden, handbags, iPads, you name it she can do it, did I mention she can do platypusses? Check out what she can do on her Facebook thingy 'Celebrate with Kate's cakes'
I can hear another slice of scrummy cake calling

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Great Garnetts farmers market

What a great day me and Charlie have just had, we've been at Great Garnetts farmers market. It was fab there was loads of room to run around, stalls selling yummy sweeties and burgers. There were goats and piggies, pheweeeee! There was a nice lady selling soaps which Steve said was made from milk from the goats, not sure how that works but I think me and Charlie will be getting scrubbed with it in the bath tonight (we got a tiny bit dirty!). There was also a lovely stall selling the fab Harold and Charlie adventure stories (Steve and Mandy seemed to be pretty busy with that).
Off to be scrubbed -boo!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

World Book Day at St Luke's

Last week was very special as it contained World Book Day. To help celebrate this, Steve went along to visit all the children at St Luke's school in Duston. It sounds like he had a fantastic time and everyone had lots of fun. St Luke's have got great names for their classes such as Ladybirds and Bumblebees. How cool is that???
Some of the children worked on a character for the new Charlie books. I've only just started looking through these but there are lots of great ideas and lots of wonderful pictures of what the new character might look like. There are pictures of owls, pandas, rabbits, cats, a giraffe and even several bin weevils! Mandy especially likes the butterfly called Sparkle and I liked Sophie the koala as she comes from Australia like I do!
Some of the other children were very helpful with ideas of what Charlie might do on his first day at school. It looks like Charlie might have some surprises as he trips over his tie or falls in a muddy puddle! Everyone agreed, however, that he has a fun first day at school and makes lots of new friends.
In the afternoon, Steve visited some of the other classes and read my new book 'Harold Wins Gold'. This was the first time anyone had heard this story! I hope everyone liked it and all of Molly's fab pictures.
I must go now and continue looking through all the drawings and story boards.
Keep on reading everyone!
Harold xx

Leap year

A very strange thing happened last month. We had a February the 29th. I don't remember having a 29th of February before.
Mandy said it was because it's a leap year.
That sounds exhausting. I'm tired after leaping around for five minutes, I don't think I could leap around all year.
Mandy explained it means there is a extra day in the year. It's very special as it only happens every four years. Phew, I'm glad neither me or Charlie's birthdays are on the 29th, that would be a disaster. But for all you fans with birthdays on the 29th, you probably celebrate on the 28th when there isn't a 29th.
I hope you had a good extra day, me and Charlie did.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

The new book is at the printers!

Steve's latest book in the Harold and Charlie adventure series is at the printers. Me and Charlie are desperate to see how good it looks. We can wait. Steve says the first lot of books will be back on Wednesday. That's miles away, I'm not sure we can wait that long!
This book is all about me! Yes I know they are all about me, that's why they are so good!
The new book is called Harold Wins Gold.
I don't want to give too much away but I might just win a gold medal, which I am thrilled about. If Charlie is really good I might even let him wear it sometimes, it's good to share.
I'll let you know when the books arrive. Steve is taking orders now for the books, so get your order in soon as I think this one might be really popular, what with all the gold medals that people are going to win in the summer!
Off to get into training

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Building up for lent

Well it's been a week, I spent ages opening lovely Valentine wishes from my fans - thanks to you all!
I'm sure some of the presents went missing, there weren't quite as many as I was expecting.
I suppose I shouldn't say too much as Charlie didn't get any cards. That's probably because he isn't as gorgeous as me!
Whoopee, it's pancake Tuesday this week. Me and Charlie love pancakes (they are our second favourite thing after cheese and pickle sandwiches of course). I wonder how many Steve will manage to stick to the ceiling this year?
Me and Charlie have come up with a great plan - it's a secret so sssshhhh!
We've been eating chocolate like mad all weekend just incase Mandy insists we stop eating it over Lent!
Charlie came up with the fab idea of each hiding a tube of smarties in our room.
What a great idea! Oh I can hear him whistling he must be hiding them now.
"Stop whistling Charlie, everyone will know you are being naughty!"
I best go and check where he has hidden his tube, for when I've eaten mine!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Oooooh its Valentines day tomorrow

It's Valentines day tomorrow I wonder how many cards I'll get?
What do you think one or two .... hundred!
Last years cards seemed to go missing, so I'm expecting twice as many this year.
I won't be able to sleep tonight with excitement
I'd better go and get in a good position on the doormat ready for the postman!
Big kisses all round

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Brrrrrrr! It's super brrrrrrrrry!

It's been very, very cold this week.
I'm not really sure what minus 15 really means, except me and Charlie needing lots and lots of hot chocolates. It never gets this cold in Australia.
There has been loads of snow here, so we've been out playing in it.
The children next door made a really good snow man. But they were really impressed when they saw our snow platypus! Everybody thought it was really cool. Charlie is busy trying to persuade Mandy to put it into the freezer so that it won't melt. I don't think he has much chance. Oh well, we'll just have to make another one when it snows again. The next one will be even more brilliant!
Off to have my photo taken with the snow platypus

Saturday, 4 February 2012

So what are you giving up for lent?

Mandy has been telling me and Charlie that Lent will be starting in a couple of weeks and we should have a think about what we are going to give up.
I don't really like the sound of this at all!
She has been trying to persuade us to give sweeties, I like the sound of that even less!
At the end of Lent its Easter! Hurray! I like to think of Easter as chocolate Christmas. I hope that the Easter bunny is as good to us this year as she was last year. Oooooo! Lovely chocolate eggs! That's nearly enough to put me off my cheese and pickle sandwiches.
Well I've had a brilliant idea. We are going to give up sprouts for Lent! Yes that's right Brussels sprouts!
What do you think of that?
I may even start now.
I'm not sure how I am going to tell Mandy, I don't think she will be very happy, I'm guessing that isn't what she was thinking of. Oh well never mind...
Off for a cheese and pickle sandwich

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Hurray the new drawings have started to arrive!

I don't know if I mentioned to you platty lovers that Steve is writing a new story about me and Charlie (well mainly me!). I don't want to give the ending of the story away but lets just say I'm great, I may even win a gold medal! Coooool eh?
Have you guessed what the story is about yet?
The first of Molly's drawings have come in and they look absolutely fab! We are so excited!
Can't wait to see the rest of the drawings. It won't be long now before Steve can put the story and the drawings together into a lovely new book. Then it will be off to the printers so that all my fans can enjoy our latest adventure.
Keep your eyes peeled for the next great Harold and Charlie adventure. Don't worry I'll let you know when you need to rush down to the shops or get onto the interweb to buy the book! I look after my fans!
Ps I wonder whether Celebrate with Kate's Cakes could do some scrummy cupcakes in the shape of me and a gold medal????? I'll have to get my order in for the book launch.

Monday, 23 January 2012

It's Christmas in January!

Me and Charlie got really excited yesterday. We were watching one of our favourite programmes when the adverts came on. They were all talking about Christmas and that Santa would be visiting very soon! Wow we both thought, that's great it doesn't seem like a whole year since Santa came the last time. Whooooooppppppeeeeeeee, we love Christmas. Did I tell you that me and Charlie (well its was really mostly me)saved Christmas the year Santa ate too many mince pies? It's a great read, if you search for 'Harold saves Christmas' on the interweb, you'll find it.
Well, I went to ask Mandy when we were going to be able to get the tree.
"Good grief", she said, "we've only just put all of the Christmas decorations away in the loft!"
Me and Charlie explained that it said on the telly that it was nearly Christmas, "the telly is always right", explained Charlie.
Unfortunately for us it seems that the telly isn't always right, especially when you are watching programmes off the iplayer! Booooooooooo, it seems like its ages before Christmas is coming. I'll have to check the website to see how far away it is.
Hang on in there Christmas and Santa lovers I'm sure it will be December before we know it....
Off for a cheese and pickle sandwich to cheer myself up

Monday, 9 January 2012

Thank you Santa

Mandy is always saying that it's very important to say thanks for the lovely presents we get. Me and Charlie have just finished writing ours. It took ages and we had just finished when I realised there was one very important person that we had forgotten. Well done me for remembering!
Santa - we had forgotten Santa! How could we forget Santa?
As you know Christmas is my favourite time in the year, so it's very important to be super nice to Santa.
Anyway I've written a lovely thank you note to Santa.
Its already less than 365 days to next Christmas so I also sent Santa the startings of my new Christmas list. It's never too early!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Hey dude!

Me and Charlie have been hitting the slopes, we've also been learning a new language, "it was sick, dude". Not really sure what that means but it sounds really cool.
We had a go at snow boarding, it was great, although I didn't really need a board, when you've got flippers as big as mine you don't need to stand on a board:)
Charlie kept falling over cos he wasn't as good as me, he looked more like a snow ball than a bear. I don't think that bears are meant to snow board!
Bye boarding dudes, enjoy riding the snow!